CS502052 - Enterprise Systems Development Concepts

Fall, 2022

Course Description

This course covers the concepts, skills, methodologies, techniques, tools, and perspectives essential for systems analysts to develop information systems. The practice sessions will be organized into three parts, i.e., programming Java-RMI applications, getting familiar with Git, calling APIs from third parties.

  • No. of credits: 3(2,1)
  • Time allocation:
    • Theory (hours): 30
    • Practice (hours): 30
    • Self-study (hours): 90


  1. Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M. Roth, [2018], Systems Analysis and Design, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA. [PDF]
  2. Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, David Tegarden, [2015], Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA. [PDF]
  3. Eric Jendrock, Ricardo Cervera-Navarro, Ian Evans, Devika Gollapudi, Kim Haase, William Markito, Chinmayee Srivathsa, [2014], Java Platform, Enterprise Edition: The Java EE Tutorial E39031-01, Oracle, United States. [PDF]
  4. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, [2016], Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition, Pearson, USA. [PDF]


Evaluation categories Weight (%) Types
Process evaluation 1 10 Process Exercise
Process evaluation 2 20 Presentation
Mid-term examination 20 Practice test
Final examination 50 Report


Group - Unit Day Google Classroom Room
N10 Thursday [2] | F506
N10-T1 Thursday [3] | F502
N10-T2 Thursday [4] | F502
N1 Friday [2] | B501
N1-T1 Saturday [2] | A602
N1-T3 Saturday [2] | A610
N1-T2 Saturday [3] | A509


Weeks Topics Resources
1 Chapter 00: Course Introduction
Chapter 01: Java Review
2 Chapter 02: The Systems Analyst,
Information Systems Development,
Project Selection and Management
3 Chapter 03: Requirements Determination, Use-case Analysis Ch-03.pdf
4 - 5 Chapter 04: Process Modeling, Data Modeling Ch-04.pdf


6 Chapter 05: Designing Databases Ch-05.pdf
7 Chapter 06: Architecture Design, User Interface Design Ch-06.pdf
8 Chapter 07: Moving into Implementation, Transition to the New System Ch-07.pdf
9 Chapter 08: Security Ch-08.pdf
10 Chapter 09: An Introduction to Microservices Ch-09.pdf

Labs & Tutorials

Weeks Topics Resources
1 Java Review Lab-01.pdf
2 Java Serialization Lab-02.pdf
3 - 4 Java - Remote Method Invocation Lab-03.pdf
Tutorial Video
5 Mid-term Review review.pdf
6 SSO with GitHub (Part 1) Lab-06.pdf
7 SSO with GitHub (Part 2) Lab-07.pdf
Source Code
8 Getting started with Git Lab-08.pdf
9 Report Final Project
10 Report Final Project


  • Phuc H. Duong - duonghuuphuc@tdtu.edu.vn
  • Nguyễn Đinh Nhật Minh - tg_nguyendinhnhatminh@tdtu.edu.vn
  • Lưu Thanh Duy - tg_luuthanhduy@tdtu.edu.vn


  • [NEW] Phiếu Chấm Điểm ĐAMH (RUBRIC)
  • Learning forum (hosted on Facebook Groups):
    • Nhóm 1 (TieuChuan)
    • Nhóm 10 (CLC)
  • Attendance records:
    • Form for lecture session
    • Form for laboratory session
    • Check-in data
    • Check-in code will be provided on-class.


  • [NEW] Bảng Điểm Môn Học (Bản chính thức - Cập nhật 17/12/2022)
  • [NEW] Công Thức Tính Điểm
  • Danh sách nộp ĐAMH (Version 2) [Cập nhật đến 10:27 AM - 01/12/2022]
  • Hướng dẫn nộp ĐAMH (Version 2)
  • Lịch phân công báo cáo ĐAMH
  • Danh sách nhóm thực hiện ĐAMH
  • Đăng ký nhóm thực hiện ĐAMH
  • Đăng ký đề tài ĐAMH


  • You are allowed to absent 2 sessions of lecture hours and 2 sessions of laboratory hours.
  • Exercises, assignment and final project must be submitted by the due date. No late submission will be accepted.
  • For assignment and final project, all members of a group must submit the work together.
  • About collaboration, you may discuss with other students on the review reports. However, you must write up the reports on your own independently.
  • You need to be honest in all academic work and understanding that failure to comply with this commitment will result in disciplinary action.
  • For online class sections (if any), attendance and participation are determined by active interaction in the weekly discussion forums and submission of assignments. Failure to complete at least 50% of the work each week will be deemed as lack of active participation in the course.


  • Work email: duonghuuphuc@tdtu.edu.vn
  • Personal email: dhp@dev.dhpit.com

Mailing List

Sign up with your email address at this form to receive news and updates.


  • Recorded lecture videos.
  • Fall, 2022 (Current)
  • Spring, 2022
  • Fall, 2021