CS502052 - Enterprise Systems Development Concepts

Fall, 2024

Course Description

This course covers the concepts, skills, methodologies, techniques, tools, and perspectives essential for students, helping them become familiar with the role of a systems analyst in a development team. In particular, the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model is a key concept that will be presented in detail throughout the course for developing information systems. The practice sessions of this course will be organized into three parts: (i) programming with Java-RMI, (ii) getting familiar with Git, and (iii) calling APIs from third parties.

  • No. of credits: 3(2,1)
  • Time allocation:
    • Theory (hours): 30
    • Practice (hours): 30
    • Self-study (hours): 90


  1. Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M. Roth, [2021], Systems Analysis and Design, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.
  2. Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, David Tegarden, [2015], Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.
  3. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, [2016], Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition, Pearson, USA.


Evaluation categories Weight (%) Types
Process evaluation 1 10 Process Exercise
Process evaluation 2 20 Presentation
Mid-term examination 20 Practice test
Final examination 50 Report


Group - Unit Day [Period] e-Learning Room
N1 (CLC) Tuesday [3] | | B.410
N4 (TC) Wednesday [2] | | C.208
N1-T1 (CLC) Wednesday [3] | | F.502
N4-T1 (TC) Saturday [2] | | TBA
N4-T2 (TC) Saturday [3] | | TBA


Weeks Topics Resources
1 Chapter 00: Course Introduction
Chapter 01: Java Review

2 - 3 Chapter 02: The Systems Analyst,
Information Systems Development,
Project Selection and Management

4 Chapter 03: Requirements Determination, Use-case Analysis Ch-03.pdf
5 - 6 Chapter 04: Process Modeling, Data Modeling Ch-04.pdf


7 Chapter 05: Designing Databases Ch-05.pdf
8 Chapter 06: Architecture Design, User Interface Design Ch-06.pdf
9 Chapter 07: Moving into Implementation, Transition to the New System Ch-07.pdf
10 Chapter 08: Security Ch-08.pdf

Use your student email account to access the above resources.

Labs & Tutorials

Weeks Topics Resources
1 Java Review Lab-01.pdf
2 Java Serialization Lab-02.pdf
3 - 4 Java - Remote Method Invocation Lab-03.pdf
Tutorial Video 1
Tutorial Video 2
5 Mid-term Review
6 SSO with GitHub (Part 1) Lab-06.pdf
7 SSO with GitHub (Part 2) Lab-07.pdf
Source Code
8 Getting started with Git Lab-08.pdf
9 Report Final Project
10 Report Final Project

Use your student email account to access the above resources.


  • Danh Sách Sinh Viên (HK1/24-25)
  • Phiếu Chấm Điểm QT2, Cuối Kỳ (RUBRIC)


  • You are allowed to absent 2 lecture sessions and 2 laboratory sessions.
  • Exercises, assignment and final project must be submitted by the due date. No late submission will be accepted.
  • All submissions in this semester will be done via e-Learning platform.
  • About collaboration, you may discuss with other students on the review reports. However, you must write up the reports on your own independently.
  • You need to be honest in all academic work and understanding that failure to comply with this commitment will result in disciplinary action.
  • For online class sections (if any), attendance and participation are determined by active interaction during the class and submission of exercises after class. Failure to complete at least 50% of the work each week will be deemed as lack of active participation in the course.

Teaching Staffs

  • Phuc H. Duong
  •  Nguyễn Đinh Nhật Minh
    • Email: tg_nguyendinhnhatminh@tdtu.edu.vn
  • Teaching AssistantNguyễn Duy Tuấn
    • Email: ndtuan@fastai.dev


  • Office: Room C.118, TDTU Campus (Tan Phong, HCMC)
  • Personal email: dhp@fastai.dev


  • Recorded lecture videos.
  • Fall, 2024 (Current)
  • Spring, 2024 | Fall, 2023 | Spring, 2023 | Fall, 2022 | Spring, 2022 | Fall, 2021